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Saab Global

Gripen E-series

鹰狮e系列是一种新型战斗机系统. 用来对抗和击败未来的先进威胁, e系列适用于面临更大威胁或需要保护更广泛领域的客户.

Key features

Advanced electronic warfare with spherical coverage and the latest AESA technology for high survivability.
Revolutionary avionics architecture supporting smooth capability growth to maintain technological superiority and adapt to new operational needs.

Key facts

Gripen E Gripen F Gripen Maritime
Number of seats121
Length over all15,2 meters15,9 meters15,2 meters
Width over all8,6 meters8,6 meters8,6 meters
Maximum take-off weight16500 kg 16500 kg16500 kg
Max thrust 98 kN98 kN98 kN
Combat turnaround 10-20 minutes 10-20 minutes10-20 minutes
Air-to-air refueling YesYesYes
Mauser BK27 mm gun Yes-Yes

Gripen E - The Game Changer

旨在击败任何对手. 专为具有前瞻性的空军设计, 鹰狮E融合了尖端技术, the latest systems, sensors, 武器和吊舱确保战斗优势, 在高度竞争的环境中提供空中优势. 无声网络和全传感器融合跨越战术空中单位,以致盲和迷惑敌人. 一架飞机主动,其他的都被动. 团队一起获得了第一个导弹发射机会和第一个击杀. 鹰狮E重新定义了游戏规则.

鹰狮E拥有强大的GE F414G发动机, 它的射程很广,有10个硬点,能携带令人印象深刻的有效载荷. It also has a new AESA-radar, 红外搜索与跟踪系统(IRST), 高度先进的电子战和通信系统. e系列通过扩展作战能力重新定义了21世纪的空中力量.

Gripen E 6002
Gripen E - Sensors
Gripen E
Gripen E - 4 ship
Gripen E_4xMeteor_2xIRIS-T
Adapt - Update
Human Machine Collaboration

我们设想鹰狮E是飞行员身心的延伸, 我们通过先进的人机协作(HMC). 这个概念不言自明:人类和机器无缝合作,以实现任务的成功. 

Gripen’s embedded AI capability and its future-oriented cockpit design that features the Wide Area Display (WAD), facilitate the pilot’s decision-making process and provides crucial assistance in the midst of a complex mission. WAD以一种用户友好的方式呈现信息, 哪个支持飞行员的选择能力, 发射和制导武器在一个战术空中单位的其他成员完美的协调.

Decisive Information Advantage

战斗机飞行员需要对情况有充分的了解,以便能够第一时间看到, 先理解,先行动, 保持对对手的战斗优势. In a contested environment, 这就是能够交战或被迫中止的区别. Gripen’s suite of sensors delivers cross-domain data gathering and an unprecedented level of networked sensor fusion. 

信息可以快速分析和实时共享, 使关键决策能够迅速实施, ensuring tactical superiority.
战术单位和其他可用的战场传感器收集的所有信息也至关重要, and it needs to be linked, 准确的:以准确的方式处理和呈现的. This superior situational awareness provides the tactical edge that Gripen E needs to secure mission success and platform survivability.

Electronic Warfare

今天的战场非常复杂, contested and hostile, and Gripen has the ability to penetrate the enemy’s anti-access zones and disrupt its capacity to perform. Gripen E’s integrated cutting-edge electronic warfare system combines a variety of offensive and defensive measures to disrupt enemy efforts while protecting itself to ensure high survivability. 鹰狮战斗机进行实时信号分析和对抗管理, 以及广泛的电子情报(ELINT)信号收集,以击败任何对手.


Gripen E has 10 hard-points; offers the best in class weapons and pods from around the world; and has an unrivalled ease of stores integration. 鹰狮E可以执行空对空、空对地和侦察任务. Air supremacy is achieved with the carriage of up to seven Meteor Beyond Visual Range Air-to-Air Missiles and two Within Visual Range IRIS-T missiles. Weapons like these, 结合同时使用进攻和防御手段的能力, enables Gripen E to detect, 有效地打击和压制或摧毁目标.

Maximum Force Readiness

From the outset, 鹰狮E的设计是为了便于维护,确保比其竞争对手更高的可用性. 鹰狮E可以在极端气候条件下作战,也可以在分散的、没有准备的公路基地或飞机跑道上作战. It takes less than 20 minutes with only a limited number of ground crew and equipment to refuel and rearm Gripen for an air-to-air mission, 这能确保玩家快速重返游戏. 每飞行小时的维护要求低, 鹰狮E在地面的时间更少,在空中的时间更多.


鹰狮E具有与盟军联合部队在空中全面作战的能力, on the ground and sea. The ease of weapon integration, the use of common communication systems and networked datalinks makes Gripen E a smart choice for an interoperable jet fighter.


Securing technological superiority over highly capable adversaries is the most crucial factor for success in modern warfare, “鹰狮”战机通过不断进化来掌控新威胁的能力重新定义了游戏规则. 鹰狮的用户可以在冲突的第一天战斗, 然后学习和调整其软件应用程序,以确保第2天的战斗优势. Smart, right?

Gripen’s revolutionary avionics design separates mission system functionality from flight-critical software to adapt to new operational needs and support smooth capability growth without affecting the need for recertification. 只要有新技术可用, 鹰狮战斗机可以进行相应的升级,以确保持续的能力增长. This changes the paradigm of extensive and costly mid-life upgrades that burdens the availability of competing fighter fleets.


对于鹰狮E,我们很早就决定拥抱技术变革的速度. 鹰狮E的新型航空电子系统可以在数小时内进行软件更新. Listen to Daniela, 十大正规博彩网站评级的一位航空电子专家解释了为什么我们不再谈论战斗机的世代.

Defeat any threat. Anywhere.

鹰狮E通过沉默或压制敌人的能力来避免被发现. 先进的电子战系统, 类似于电子防护罩, 允许破坏敌人有效运作的能力. This can be used either to assist in destruction of enemy assets or simply to reduce the enemy’s ability to act.




Gripen Maritime

“鹰狮”海事是“鹰狮”e系列的一部分. 我们正在建立“鹰狮海事”作为未来的新一代舰载战斗机. 适用于CATOBAR和stoobar操作, the Gripen Maritime size and flight/hangar deck manoeuvrability will offer a simple and robust fighter in terms of all embarked operations. Its small logistics footprint and reduced spares inventory will make it significantly more maintainable and require far fewer personnel than existing fleet fighters.

Marinised engine

Gripen Maritime will meet or exceed all operational requirements for maritime fast jet operator nations around the world. The fighter can operate in high humidity and is designed to withstand the corrosive effect of salt water ingress. GE 414G发动机完全用于船舶作业.

Steady deck landings

Rapid pitch and roll authority as well as precision glide slope control will give Gripen Maritime pilots an ideal platform for safe and steady deck landings.


Did you know?

With the Gripen E-series, 用户获得了确定交战规则的前瞻性思维能力. 生来就能与任何对手作战,鹰狮以一种更聪明的方式定义了战斗.

  • 鹰狮E灵活的航空电子设备允许用户在冲突的第一天战斗, 学习和调整软件应用程序,以确保第二天的战斗优势.
  • 先进的传感器套件提供跨域数据收集和融合. 实时分析和共享信息,确保信息优势.
  • 易于维护和高可用性保证了操作的安全性. 鹰狮可以在极端气候和分散的道路基地中操作,以保持最大的力量准备状态.





Electronic Warfare (EW) commonly refers to military action involving use of Electromagnetic (EM) and Directed Energy (DE) effectors. Over decades, modern EW has grown leaps and bounds from the days of simple jamming of radars and radio communication systems. Today, 它通常被认为是关于感知和观看的, 欺骗和拒绝,以确保有效的任务生存能力. However, 在未来高度竞争和快速变化的任务环境中, this, no longer may be true?


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